Major peaceful freedom protests are underway around the world against the stifling and discriminatory coronation measures governments impose on their citizens.
Freedom Convoy
Canadians are currently taking the lead with their mega trucker protest Freedom Convoy. Tens of thousands of truckers are driving to the capital, Ottawa, to demand the lifting of vaccination requirements. American truckers will also join the protest. Canadian government leader Trudeau called the truckers “a small marginal minority with unacceptable views.

Enough is enough
In the Netherlands, too, support for the covid measures is vanishing at lightning speed. Trust in the government has fallen to an all-time low.
Compulsory vaccinations, corona tickets, lockdowns, face masks: enough is enough! In Europe, truckers and farmers will soon be driving to Brussels to get the stifling corona measures and EU digital covid certificate off the table. They represent the voice of the people, now that a large part of the national and European people’s representatives are seriously failing to do so.
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The Freedom Reset summarizes in this video what is wrong with our freedom and what needs to be repaired to regain public trust. Peaceful dialogue is urgently needed.
Watch and share the video: This is our freedom reset
You can also watch and share the video on Vimeo: Our Freedom Reset